Monday, July 16, 2012

Mid Year Resolutions

By the end of December, I would want to:

1) Be able to set aside minimally $570/ month for investments.

2) Be more focused and less easily distracted. This is the second hardest amongst the whole list because I simply find it almost impossible to not let my brain wander off every other five minutes even during a conversation.

3) Grow my connect group and myself in the CG (as to how I envisage my own growth, I shall share about it only when it comes to pass)

4) Be 52KG. Needless to say, this is the hardest.

5) See further improvements on my relationships with people (family takes precedence, followed by friends).

6) Be more fashionable. It takes more than just money simply, but also effort and diligence to keep up with trends but the end results are satisfying and not to say, impressive.

7) Master the cajon. People say the first step is usually the hardest. I guess I have no excuse for myself since I've already broken through the barrier and gotten myself a cajon. Being around people who are musically inclined, and dare I say, talented, inspires me to appreciate music more. The girls and myself actually have a project in mind and let's hope it comes to pass by the end of the year :)

The Lord of your vision is also the God of your provision.



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